Coronavirus School Building Closure - CTK Operational Plan

Beginning with school dismissal Friday, March 13th, in the interest of the health and safety of our students, Christ the King Jesuit College Prep's school building will be closed until we are confident our students and staff can return to the building safely. This difficult decision was made out of an abundance of caution. This building closing includes the suspension of operations of our Corporate Work Study Program and extends to all in-person classes, extra-curricular activities, social events, admissions events, and any other school-related gatherings. As outlined in our COVID-19 School Building Closure Operational Plan below, daily instruction will continue for our students remotely via Google Classroom.

We will monitor the situation and evaluate the best course of action for the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff. The entire CTK community will be made aware of any changes to this plan by email, SchoolMessenger, website (, and the Emergency Closing Center ( under the name “Christ the King Jesuit College Prep” (not Christ the King).

Watch the video below of CTK President Clem Martin's official announcement of the school building closing.

We are praying for the health and safety of our families, faculty, and staff during this difficult time. If anyone associated with the CTK community is impacted by or comes in contact with someone with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis, please contact Nurse Moy at 773.261.7505 x242 or [email protected].


Coronavirus/COVID-19 School Building Closure: CTK Operational Plan

Below is our COVID-19 School Building Closure Operational Plan to be used during our building’s current closure. 

Continuity of Instruction: In order to minimize the impact on student learning, daily instruction will be offered through Google Classroom.  School administration previously met with students to prepare them for the possibility of a building closing.  Students were asked to bring home their needed materials (Chromebook, textbooks, calculator, notes, etc) so that they have access to needed information and materials.   

WiFi Access/Emergency Contact Info: Parents and students were surveyed to identify students who may not have access to the internet or a computer at home, and to ensure we have accurate emergency contact information for all students.  Gov. Pritzker announced that Comcast will offer a 60-day pass to families in need. Visit for details.

Communication/Notification: Families, students, and Faculty/Staff will be notified of eLearning days in the same ways we would normally communicate school closing information. A notification will be sent to families through email, and SchoolMessenger (voice blast), and will also be posted on the CTK website. In addition, we will update the Emergency Closing Center at  Communication regarding the school building reopening will be communicated through the same methods.

Attendance: Attendance will be recorded as it would any other school day. If a student is ill, or otherwise would have been absent, parents should report the absence by contacting Ms. Rose in the Dean’s Office at [email protected].  Please communicate absences via email, rather than by phone, to provide a written record of the absence.  A new attendance form will be posted for students at 8:00 am daily.  Students must log into their CTK email to retrieve the form, and must use their ID # to record their attendance. students will use their ID # to record themselves as present through a Google form daily at 8:00 a.m.

Assignments: Students will access their assignments through Google Classroom. All lessons and assignments will be posted by 8:00 am. Daily assignments for each class will be academically worthwhile, continue the learning of content that would have been covered, and should take the students no more than 45 minutes to complete independently. Each course that a student has on his/her schedule will have an assignment posted, which is to be completed by 3:00 p.m. that day (or by a later time designated by the teacher).  Teachers may also offer videos, powerpoint presentations and other resources to support student learning.  Such resources will be linked in the Google Classroom platform.

Grading: Students will receive feedback on assignments within 3 days of submission.  The online gradebook will continue to be updated on Mondays.

Faculty/Staff Availability: Teachers and academic staff (Administration, Counseling, IT, Christian Service, CWSP, Business Office, Admissions) are expected to check and respond to email periodically between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.  Teachers and students are not expected to be online for seven hours each day. Rather, they will periodically check email and Google Classroom for assignments and messages. If students have questions, they can expect to receive a reply within those hours.  Messages sent after 3 pm will receive a response the following day.

 Problems on eLearning Days:

Assignment Questions: If students have questions about an assignment, they are expected to use the resources they would on a normal class day (email the teacher, contact a classmate, use Khan Academy, YouTube, etc.). Please note the times above (Faculty/Staff Availability) to guarantee a response.

Technology Issues: Please email Mr. Fuentes, IT Director, at [email protected] or at 773 261 7505 ext. 269. 

Connectivity Issues:  We understand that not every student may have access to the internet in their home. In the event a student does not have access to WiFi or a Smart Phone with Data, Gov. Pritzker announced that Comcast will offer a free 60-day pass to families in need. Visit for details and notify Mrs. Payne ASAP.  If students are unable to access the internet for a period of time due to issues outside of their control (i.e. power outages), teachers will allow students extra days to make-up their homework/classwork. 

Teacher Expectations for eLearning Days: Teachers will post assignments to Google Classroom by 8:00 a.m. daily.  Lessons will cover content that would have been covered if school were in session.  The daily assignment should take the student no more than 45 minutes and be academically worthwhile. Students are expected to submit assignments by 3:00 p.m. the day assigned unless the teacher designates a later deadline.   Teachers and Staff are expected to check and respond to email periodically between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

CWSP Expectations: Students will log attendance on their CWSP day by 8:00 a.m. Business skills-related instructional content will be offered on student’s workdays, and must be submitted by 3:00 p.m. unless an alternate deadline is communicated by CWSP.  Students will also have opportunities to complete any missing work, at the teacher’s discretion.