Student Professional Development

Professional Development is a key component of the Corporate Work Study Program. The Program provides initial and ongoing training for all student workers to prepare them for the workplace and equip them with the tools needed for successful placements. In addition, the Program collaborates with the school to conduct Career Days, introducing students to a spectrum of careers they may choose to pursue. 

Summer Business Training

All Freshmen and transfer students participate in a 40-hour training program each summer to complete required Department of Labor training and develop the technical and soft skills required for the workplace.  Instructional topics include: Policies and Procedures; Business Etiquette; Communication; Introduction to Technology/Excel; Initiative; Critical Thinking; and Workplace Safety. Classes are taught by Team Members, Volunteers, Corporate and Community Partners.


Ongoing Professional Development

Students participate in ongoing professional development throughout the academic year, reinforcing their initial training and further developing their skills to ensure a successful work experience. Students begin the year with a daylong workshop followed by a one hour session each month.  

During the academic year, students have the opportunity to develop their technical skills. CWSP students are participating in a Microsoft Excel initiative, completing coursework preparing them to sit for Microsoft Certification in Excel exam.  Students participate in weekly classes and receive additional tutoring support by volunteers.

Career Day

Each year, CWSP collaborates with the school in hosting a Career Day for our students. This event invites professionals from a broad spectrum of industries to meet with students and share information about their careers and professional journeys. Student have the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about career fields and the education/training required to succeed. Volunteer presenters are needed representing a wide variety of professional careers and positions.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering and/or involving your company, please contact Cheryl Loy at 773-413-3576 or [email protected]

Thank you to the many individuals and companies who have volunteered at past Corporate Work Study Program Training sessions or at our annual Career Day!