Religious Studies » The Religious Studies Department

The Religious Studies Department

Religious Studies

Rooted in the mission of Catholic education, religious studies courses at CTK are directed toward formation of the whole person, in light of one’s ultimate destiny, authentic moral values and the common good of society.

Students increase their knowledge of the faith and tradition of the Catholic Church by examining theological issues throughout a sequence of courses. These courses center on sacred scripture, the life and teaching of Jesus, ethics and justice, and Christian spirituality.

The Religion Department gives students the spiritual perspective to also be able to grow within their own faith tradition.

Religious Studies I: Faith Foundations

  • Faith Formation – This fall semester class provides an introduction to the Catholic faith by covering topics like the mass liturgy, Apostle’s Creed, 10 Commandments, Beatitudes, and prayer. This course will also include a general introduction to the Bible with emphasis given to its contents as well as its historical, geographical, and literary aspects.
  • Mission of Christ – This spring semester class covers a study of Jesus as Messiah, the Paschal Mystery, the sacraments, as well as the liturgical cycle of the Church and prayer. The teachings of Christ are also covered, helping students to form habits of decision-making in all areas of life that will honor the Lord. The dignity and worth of all human life, the sacredness of human sexuality and the significance of character building are also a focus.

Religious Studies II: Old and New Testament

  • Old Testament – This fall semester class covers the major stories from the Old Testament, including creation, covenant, freedom, suffering, kingdom, prophecy and hope. Verses and stories are analyzed in order for students to understand how God is active in their own relationships with God, self and others.
  • New Testament – This spring semester class covers the Gospels and the Epistles. Students will learn the historical context of biblical literature and the relationship of the Bible to today’s social customs in order to understand how the people of the Bible experienced God in the concrete events of daily life.

Religious Studies III

  • Christian Spirituality – This fall semester class will engage students in a critical examination of the roots, development and characteristics of the spirituality of African Americans and Hispanics within a Christian context.
  • Morality – This spring semester class will introduce Christian moral decision-making. Students discuss conscience formation, personal decision-making, honesty, and the foundation of Christian attitudes. Students will examine moral issues, learn critical analysis skills, and develop a faith-based vision on Catholic social teachings and the gospel.

Religious Studies IV

  • Faith and Justice – This semester class, taken during the student’s senior year, will examine social issues in light of the Church’s teachings. Students will study many forms of justice and peace and examine a variety of social concerns to seriously consider the invitation to non-violence as a way of life.
Religious Studies V

  • World Religions - The World Religions course at Christ the King aims to give students an understanding of how major religions compare to one another. The course begins with an examination of Judaism and Islam, and explains how those religions relate to Christianity. Additionally, this course will focus on the Hindu and Buddhist traditions. In addition to understanding the major teachings of these faiths, this course will give students an understanding of how religion shapes the culture of our world.