Student Travels to Rome for Cardinal Cupich’s Elevation

"It was an exciting trip! It was my first time on a plane and first time traveling out of the country. I had the opportunity to meet so many people from Chicago and around the world! I am looking forward to sharing my stories and pictures with my family, friends, and classmates."

Nakia was one of only two high school students out of 22,00 in the Archdiocese of Chicago to go on the trip. She was joined by Gladys, who is a student from Cristo Rey Jesuit, Jose Rodriguez, the VP of the Corporate Work Study Program for both Christ the King and Cristo Rey Jesuit, and Mosie Duhe, a Work Study Coordinator at CTK. They spent four days in Rome and attend Cupich’s Consistory Ceremony and a reception for the new Cardinal afterwards. The next day they, along with 150,000 others, celebrated the Mass for the Feast of Christ the King and closing of the Catholic Church’s Year of Mercy. Additionally, they received a private tour of the Vatican’s Museums and the Sistine Chapel.

"My favorite memories are meeting Cardinal Cupich and having my picture taken with him, and the grand entrance of the Pope, the Cardinals, and the Archbishops during the ceremony."

Nakia has worked in the Mayor’s Office for the last two years as part of our Corporate Work Study Program. She works five days each month supporting the staff by logging correspondence and doing other administrative tasks in the mayor’s busy office. During her first 2 years she worked at Lake Cable. Like Nakia, every CTK student works at a Chicago-area business or non-profit organization to support the cost of his or her education. Their earnings and family tuition payments, coupled with scholarship support and financial aid, provide the opportunity for a safe, rigorous, Jesuit education for students on the West Side.

 "This trip really helped me understand the role and responsibilities of our mayor. It also helped put into context all the things I see and hear during my work in his office. I am very grateful for this opportunity."

Below are a links to media coverage of the event.

Nakia speaks about the wonderful opportunity to explore the world.

Nakia and CTK staff members listed as a member of the Mayor's delegation in a Chicago Tribune article

Mayor's Press release about his trip to Rome with a list of the officials who are joining him.