College Counseling

Office of College Counseling

Welcome from the Office of College Counseling.

The key to successful college selection relies on good communication among the four parties involved: the student, the parent(s)/guardian(s), the counselor, and the college(s). This process can be an exciting journey as you discover the educational opportunities that are available to you. The college counseling program supports and guides Christ the King students throughout their four years, preparing them and their families to be fully ready for the college, scholarship and financial aid application processes.

Working closely with students, parents, the faculty and college admission representatives, our program provides detailed assistance with the application process including:
  • Assistance in developing a balanced, individualized application list
  • Guidance with standardized testing
  • Information about financial aid and merit-based scholarships
  • Essay writing, application assistance and interview practice
  • Opportunities to meet with college representatives who visit CTK for individual meetings
To begin the college search process, a good place to start is answering the following questions:
  • Why are you going to college?
  • What do you expect from a college community?
  • What are your areas of academic interest?
  • What atmosphere will be best for the way you learn? Do you thrive on competition, or are you more comfortable learning in a more collaborative atmosphere?
  • Are you really going to college because your parents expect it or because you cannot conceive of an alternative?
You should also consider the following factors:
  • Size: Small (2,500 or under); medium (2,500 to 8,000); large (over 8,000)
  • Location: Urban; a suburb near a city; a “college town” or rural area
  • Area of the country: East Coast; Southeast; Midwest; or West Coast
  • Specific academic programs: Liberal arts and sciences; engineering or architecture; nursing; business and accounting; fine or performing arts; technical arts
  • Faculty: Involvement, research opportunities, class size, diversity of the student population, athletics and family history/tradition