Spanish » Foreign Language Department - Spanish

Foreign Language Department - Spanish




Spanish is the second largest language spoken in the United States.  By learning Spanish, students at Christ the King will be better able to communicate with Spanish speakers. Latin American countries are among the United States’ most important trading partners. Being able to speak Spanish greatly enhances students’ resumes, and makes them more competitive in the workplace.

Courses offered by the Foreign Language Department at Christ the King

Spanish I

Spanish I - Beginning in the student's sophomore year, this course teaches basic Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and writing skills. Students learn to recognize common language patterns and cognates. Students read short passages and write simple sentences and paragraphs. The cultures of various Spanish-speaking countries and regions are also explored. In addition, communication in Spanish is a key focus. Students will be able to ask and answer questions, have dialogues, and make simple presentations in Spanish.


Spanish II - In the second year of Spanish, routines and common activities in life are are the focus. Students learn to communicate more effectively using various verb tenses. The culture and various customs and routines of Spanish-speaking countries or regions are explored and students begin to draw connections to their own lives. Readings and written passages involve more complex grammar and vocabulary.


Spanish Language and CultureIn this Spanish language level, we will learn about various Spanish-speaking cultures around the world. Our class will examine how Latino culture has influenced the United States and explore the development of Hispanic neighborhoods in our own city of Chicago. In addition, we will continue to build vocabulary and strengthen written and verbal communication skills learned in Spanish I and II.